我以一個志工的身份加入 P. LEAGUE+ ,希望能夠貢獻自己的一點點能力,支持 P. LEAGUE+ 的發展之路走得更好。將美國已經成熟的運動聯盟發展經驗導入臺灣,交付給 P. LEAGUE+ 優秀的管理團隊,用企業治理的專業來經營聯盟,創造更多的商業可行性,讓球隊、聯盟、企業有效率的良性互動,讓 P. LEAGUE+ 持續舉辦高水準的籃球賽事,這是對長期支持籃球運動發展的球迷最好的回饋。
20幾歲的時候,我曾經是臺灣的職業球員;接下來30多年的時間,我在外商公司累積了企業治理的經驗。希望我的經驗可以幫助 P. LEAGUE+ 在臺灣、在亞洲都能建立自己的獨特性,成為一個首屈一指的籃球聯盟。其實我還有一個身份,就是 P. LEAGUE+ 的球迷,我與所有球迷都一樣期待,新的球季帶給我們熱情、感動、振奮人心的籃球賽事。
I'm excited and honored to be part of the P. LEAGUE+ for the upcoming 2023-2024 season.
Over the past three seasons, the P. LEAGUE+ has contributed to the rise in popularity and commercial success of Taiwan Basketball. We have seen both the quality of play and the viewership grow year on year. Sport marketing has become more relevant in Taiwan and I anticipate more companies will look to sports and the P. LEAGUE+ as a platform to propel their brand.
I look forward to working and supporting the P. LEAGUE+'s management group in continuing to elevate the brand and to establish corporate governance and commercial viability. I will be working hard to improve the collaboration between the teams, the league and our corporate sponsors to provide the best product for our fans.
As a former basketball player and as a business executive of 30+years, I hope to bring my background and experience to enhance and differentiate the P. LEAGUE+ from other Taiwan sports platforms.
This should be another exciting P. LEAGUE+ season, and I encourage and appreciate the continued support of the entire Taiwan fanbase.